Roero Wine Week during the season of the Alba White Truffle

Roero Wine Week, the week dedicated to Roero DOCG coordinated by Tutela Roero, which involves restaurants and wine shops throughout Italy, will this year be held from 13 to 22 November, during the Alba White Truffle season.
As the president of the Consorzio di Tutela Roero, Francesco Monchiero, explains:
“For the first time, as well as the usual activities, we have aimed to create a strong tie with the territory and one of its typical products, the Alba White Truffle.”
There are fifty-seven producers of Roero DOCG White and Red who have opted to take part in this initiative, becoming an active part of the promotion of the Roero territory and its unique wines, demonstrating the great capacity for team-work in this wine-producing region.

Roero Wine Week aims to give an insight into the rich and varied produce of the land, through the tasting of Roero DOCG by the glass in all the restaurants and wine shops that have joined the initiative. Furthermore, each venue can organise a theme lunch with a producer, in which customers will have the chance to discover in depth the history of the winery and of Roero, guided through the tasting of the wines. This will be accompanied by a dish with Alba White Truffle, the true expression of the well-known oeno-gastronomic collaboration in the area.
The initiatives linked with Roero Wine Week do not stop here, in fact the wine is only a starting point for the full appreciation and identifiability of the territory.
With this in mind, on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 November, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November in all of the wineries taking part there will be the opportunity to book visits and taste wine.
During the period of the Roero Wine Week, all customers of the venues involved who have participated in the initiative will have the benefit of a discount in the local museums and exhibitions: the Museum Wine Experience di Mondodelvino in Priocca, the Museum Art e Mestieri di un Tempo in Cisterna d’Asti and the exhibition Outside-Inside which is held inside the Castello di Monticello d’Alba.